Sensible Self: OK so you had a cold, wet and windy couple of days in Amsterdam. Which was EXPENSIVE.
Macy: Hell it was worth it - the cherub and I needed a break
Sensible Self: Not as much as you need a job....
Macy: Yerm mumble, should have checked the euro the £ exchange rate I suppose...
Sensible Self: Should be updating your CV more like
Macy: Sigh....
Sensible Self: And if you can't manage that much, you're at least going to have to notify W's pension fund of Cherub's existence.
Macy:Well I have managed to get a copy of the birth certificate looked out....
Sensible Self: AND there's the small matter of child tax credits, which needs a TAX RETURN done before you can even start sorting the alleged overpayments 2008-2009.
Macy: Sigh.... tomorrow....Monday..will do...
Sensible Self: And buying a lottery ticket is going to solve nothing is it?
Macy: Remind me again why we never got on?
21 November 2009 at 22:59
Tomorrow is another day. (-;
22 November 2009 at 00:48
It's great to be sensible---but you have to dream and sometimes dreams come true.
Of course you needed the holiday---why not--
There is nothing wrong with buying the lottery ticket---life is a gamble.
But get things sorted out, update the CV, and start that next chapter of your life.
Go for it
22 November 2009 at 13:07
Thanks guys - I think I need to get the gears in motion while karma is still warm