Because I am CONSCIENTIOUS and DILIGENT I am writing down everything I learned from that seminar I went to.
With my boss, Penny.
Obviously the object of the road trip was to learn Matters of Extreme Importance on Arcane Facts. However I also learned en route:-
1. That since Penny lives between two extremely old and respectable private schools, it is impossible to drive to hers without sitting in a traffic jam of Chelsea Tractors for half an hour.
2. That given a small confined space like a Mazda in a traffic jam, my boss can talk for Jesus.

3. That my boss thinks she should have the finance director's job.Because, not only does she know everything and the FD know NOTHING, but the FD is also constantly working from home
4. That the longest the FD has "worked from home " in one stretch is 3 weeks.
5. That it hadn't occurred to my boss to bring directions on how to get to the seminar.

7. That my own predecessor couldn't add her way out of a paper bag.
8. That my predecessor has, however, been adopted by the two faced director of the Department Next Door, and so instead of being let go, has been promoted.
Over Penny.
9. That my boss doesn't like driving so fast...
10.. Another assistant was made redundant so my predecessor could take over as manger next door....
11. That I should be careful never to get stuck in the lift alone with the Senior Lecturer..I wish
12. That I should ignore that sign for the big Market Town.
13. That nobody likes Liz because.....
14. That, maybe I should have taken that turn off back there for the Big Market Town

16. That the Folk on the Second Floor...

19 March 2010 at 21:14
Phew!!!I thought you had found the holy grail of a job - instead it turns out to be normal. Weird politics; strange, over promoted staff etc etc. V. pleased you are still enjoying it, but also glad to know it will provide interesting gossip for the blog! How is Ned getting on at Play Group?
19 March 2010 at 22:19
It pleases me that your whole job life relates to "Thelma & Louise". Now you just need that gorgeous scenery and maybe Brad Pitt. And maybe forget the homicide and attempted rape. :)
19 March 2010 at 22:28
I'm not sure you've got all this right, Macy....
20 March 2010 at 11:57
Mrs R - Still waiting on the Nedster's first report card! Or a first class honours in Agility Training. That dog better not be Squandering His Opportunities
Ms Veg - Indeedies. I seem to have moved on a bit from Two Weddings and a Funeral, through Caberet. Still waiting on Roman Holiday though..
Penny - PENNY!!! At least I didn't mention our Chief Executive!!
20 March 2010 at 16:30
I'd feign a hearing disorder. Or catch a bus. Always loathe being stuck with bosslings and trying to make conversation. Anything I say sounds sycophantic. Or burbling.
20 March 2010 at 16:55
Glad you bonded.
Inside info is always useful.
Just don't add your way out of too many paper bags - obviously a bad career move.
21 March 2010 at 15:12
Oh that's a relief! You've got a real job. (-:
21 March 2010 at 18:06
...so you had fun then...?
And please, some more goss about the Brad Pitt lookalike!
22 March 2010 at 10:32
Oh bless. At least you survived the experience and have showed willing.
Sounds like you've finally got your feet under the desk now. It also sounds like all the jobs I've ever known in terms of office politics. So, any really juicy goss?
22 March 2010 at 19:34
Mme Def - Luckily not much in the way of input was needed from me! Just the ability to drive in ever decreasing circles....
Kaz - Might keep using a calculator for awhile yet. I'm old fashioned and like to see the balance sheets balance y'know..
Mr Musgrove - Oh yes! There's also a rumour that I get PAID later this week...
Scarlett - As soon as I have updated pictures I'll PUBLISH
Might have to wait till he gets through the student population first though.
Roses - Juicy?? might have to ait till the next office outing.... :)