Indeed, it is a truth universally acknowledged here in Cheesetown that the tale of the Small Boutique Counting House is becoming Dickensian in length if not in scope.
But look ye! The final instalment is here!
Yes having come through the arduous selection process for the Small Boutique etc - and who could forget the first interview, the structured interview, the test presentation, the meeting with the Finance Director, the meeting with a team member, and the battery of verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and personality tests?
I Got the Job.
Of course.
So, to bring everyone up to date here, I had a think.
And then I turned them down.
Yup. I had to.
Because the Extremely Esteemed and Revered Institution in Edinburgh (EERIE) offered me a job.
Or to re-phrase it, the Extremely Esteemed and Revered Institution in Edinburgh offered me a fantastic job, doing lots of interesting stuff, and meeting lots of
I wanted that job so badly I told them so in the interview.
And I got it.
Yeah two jobs in the biggest baddest recession since whenever.
Let me give you the full picture. The news came by telephone whilst I was working on W's old PC. I'd gone onto his old Spotify account and was playing the last tunes we'd been listening to. Back in September I'd been trying to convince him that Beyonce was worth listening to. And there I was being told of my fantastic new job, right outside the door to "his" room. And for the first time in a month or so I was sobbing my heart out. Because it felt like karma. Call me an old hippy, call me a trivial deluded fool if you want, but it felt like karma.
So that's what karma looks like: sat on the floor, howling my eyes out, with Beyonce banging away in the background: "All the single ladies....All the single ladies... All the single ladies...All the single ladies", because you are, erm, happy?
Oh and here's a moral too: If you are running a Small Boutique Counting House, don't drag out the recruitment process so the stars go and get interviewed elsewhere in the meantime, hey?
10 February 2010 at 12:37
yay and hurrah....
10 February 2010 at 14:22
When I suggested telling the SBCH to stuff there job I never expected you to be able to do so!
Brilliant for Macy! You must have a secret interview technique involving a Srah Palin wink or something.
10 February 2010 at 22:58
excellent all both counts!
11 February 2010 at 09:03
Library Lizzie - Yay and champagne cocktails - have a virtual one with me!
Rog - I knew you'd appreciate the punchline to the Small Boutique etc! (Virtual) breakfast champers in Norfolk!
Mr Musgrove - Oh indeedys. I'm sending you a small virtual bottle of champagne to enjoy with your lunchtime sarnie.
12 February 2010 at 09:51
Check you!
Fantastic news.
And yes, I do believe in Karma. What you put out there, comes back, threefold.
I hope your new job is everything you wish it to be, and then some.
12 February 2010 at 10:12
Roses - Aw thank you! There's still some of this virtual champagne left you know (it's virtual...so it doesn't go flat..)
14 February 2010 at 21:21
Great news! Congratulations, Macy.
And you Small Boutique people, eat your small hearts out.