Since Wednesday, there has been a distinct lack of sightings of Macy, or Ned for that matter, around the Chesetown area.
Footprints in the snow around the back hill would indicate they have been there - but if so it can only have been before daylight. Which in sideways sleet and snow would be madness...
The Mazda has been gone all through the day. No one is buying the last Guardian or Grazia from Scotmid.
More worryingly, there have been sightings of a Doggie Day Care van coming to remove the Nedster from his home billet each morning. Pedestrians have been able to pass by Macy's front window without sounds of furious barking from within. Postal workers have gone about their business unmolested by a ball of black and white fury hurling itself in their general direction.
Macy has been a no-show at Pilate's classes, Sunday cinemas and book clubs...
It could indicate she has started her New Day Job.
This would go some way to explaining the sudden spike in clothes sales around the Edinburgh area in the past week as Macy has more money to spend.
It wouldn't explain the maniacal cackling from her house late of an evening though.
Not unless conditions were so good at her new billet, and the news from the Big American Bank continues to be so bad. Not unless the latest round of redundancies included some of those on her most hated list.
27 February 2010 at 17:48
All sounds good! Amazing what a bit of plasticine and a few pins can do.
Couldn't the Nedster take care of the Pilates Classes?
27 February 2010 at 17:57
But Ned is still reading Grazia, isn't he?
Good that good times have come to Cheesetown.
27 February 2010 at 21:12
Doggie Day Care van?
How sophisticated - and you don't have to wheel him somewhere in the pushchair?
I hope he's having fun.
27 February 2010 at 22:11
Rog - No plasticine involved... Karma can be the only explanation..
Surprisingly Ned's stomach crunches and lunges remain pretty unimpressive.
Mr Musgrove - No. Unless dead rodents are ON TREND, or this week's Grazia comes with the offer of a free pig's ear for every reader Ned retains zero interest in the rag.
Kaz - Don't let the day care moniker fool you. He comes home smelling of barn and dog spit..
28 February 2010 at 12:33
Hours of work are always the curse of the working class.
Funny how family and dogs seem to be taken care of before we think of our own freedoms.
Doggy daycare----go Ned, now we know who is in charge
1 March 2010 at 19:45
Clyde - No doubt at all who is in charge. Ned's preference though would be for us all to be ilving together in a field. So he's made compromises too.
5 March 2010 at 13:07
I would love to run a doggy day care centre. My dream job.