Yes, it is a very small and straightforward puzzle. And because it's so easy there's no prizes!!
All you have to do is identify which one of the tiny beauty contestants below went on to win first prize, and (much later) to settle in Cheesetown under the pseudonym of Macy.
Remember your job is not to correct the original judges' decision and decide on who you thought should have won. You have only to spot the actual winner (ME !!)
All you have to do is identify which one of the tiny beauty contestants below went on to win first prize, and (much later) to settle in Cheesetown under the pseudonym of Macy.
Remember your job is not to correct the original judges' decision and decide on who you thought should have won. You have only to spot the actual winner (ME !!)
2 January 2010 at 17:22
Ginger Spice without a doubt!
I'm amazed they went so far down the placings though - Number 1 must have been a stunner!
2 January 2010 at 20:42
It's the one on the left in their granny's cardigan.
2 January 2010 at 23:56
I think they're all freaking ADORABLE little things. I'd have gone with number 60. She's adorable AND has a groovy dress. Plus that pixie cut is just perfect. :)
Obviously, I have no idea which is really you but hey. How can you lose with that line up? They're all lovely.
3 January 2010 at 11:21
I am thinking no.57 looks like a girl with a Border Collie
Cute friends
4 January 2010 at 07:20
Rog - Nope. Sorry, not Ginger. And this must be the photo of the first round - because I won! not number 1, who might have been a stunner...but didn't. What can I say. Life's not fair.
Mr Musgrove - Erm no. The one on the left looks about thirty years too old to enter.The fact that HE SHAVES would disqualify him from the Lovely Kiddies show alone.
Ms Veg. YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Yes. Pixie cut, red dress and erm doleful expression. I may never speak to my mother again for doing this to me.
Clyde - No 57 does look like a cool kid. Probably does own a border collie somewhere. Photo taken in BLACKPOOL, so that'll be how I never met her again.
4 January 2010 at 16:30
I guessed no 60!
wv: unroping
4 January 2010 at 18:56
White rabbit... OF COURSE we believe you
You weren't one of the judges were you??
5 January 2010 at 10:19
Ah, you are taller than I thought
5 January 2010 at 11:48
Clyde - WAS taller. The Cherub now towers above me!
6 January 2010 at 18:42
I'm stoked it was number 60 because she was my favourite! Plus I had a similar hair cut when I was about six only everyone called me "Son" for about a year. Those effers.
11 January 2010 at 17:38
My guesses were 59 or 60. Close enough, no? :)
11 January 2010 at 17:40
But who's that scary-looking fellow to the left? Your local child molester on parole?
12 January 2010 at 11:05
Ms Veg - I HATED being called son too!! That's the trouble with being a TRENDSETTER
Elizabeth - No idea. Just glad it's not me he seems to be obsessed with...
27 August 2011 at 19:17
I can see your knees!