South of Cheesetown!
For this weekend only The View is a self service blog, a blog-ateria if you like.
I know... radical.
Just, you know, pick your answers from the options below.
Have fun
Play nice
© The View From Macy
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18 January 2013 at 19:48
Hey! I like this blog-eteria! Looking forward to photos / no photos / tears before bedtime and what passes for normal service next week :-)
18 January 2013 at 20:10
Hey! The blog-ateria® took my money without dispensing any product!
18 January 2013 at 21:04
You're to the right of the Lake District??? love this kind of voting it's win win and hope your trip is the same. And also hope there's a hot bevy for you at the end.
18 January 2013 at 21:59
When you go fell running, always wear a hat! This weekend you may get stuck in a snow drift - given the last in-fringe-ments I doubt there will be convincing pictures.
Travel well, return safe.
18 January 2013 at 22:12
Ah yes much more interesting than the regular blog. I'm afraid we'll have to let you go, Macy, your services are no longer required.
18 January 2013 at 23:47
take pics, just not of your hair, sugar! ;~) xoxoxoxox
(love this concept!!!)
19 January 2013 at 08:03
Fell running? I'm sure that is really wonderful....but sweet baby cheesus the thought of it in this weather....wear the hat!
19 January 2013 at 08:24
The Afro-Asian has no idea what fell running is, or where any of those places are, so I really hope I'm right about the photos! Have fun! :)
19 January 2013 at 12:04
Seems a bit extreme just to get away from people you know seeing your fringe.
I'm intrigued by the fact that two questions have been answered by 14 people, one by 15 and one by 16. Who are these folks who pick and choose which questions to answer?
19 January 2013 at 19:01
Most excellent and intriguing blogpost!
19 January 2013 at 22:55
I happen to know you're attending the Daily Sketch's Ideal Wellington Exhibition in Clogtown.
When do we get to see the fringe?
19 January 2013 at 23:17
Safe travels missus! :¬)
20 January 2013 at 00:02
You are meeting Stephen?Kevin in Clogtown.
Miss Marple
20 January 2013 at 19:47
I think all blogs should be like this. I think I was mostly 'c's so can we have a guide from you as to the defects in our personalities based on our choices?
21 January 2013 at 14:51
Did you go singing and clog dancing while running with your hat on? Not a bit wonder there were tears before bedtime :)
23 January 2013 at 13:28
I guessed you were off on a secret assignation.
Meanwhile, I've moved into your BIG house... am running around your BIG kitchen... and have nicked the BIGGEST bedroom for myself :-)
23 January 2013 at 22:13
Librarian - I know! Why didn't I think of this before! Oh I know, because I never tried being secretive before.
LX - There should have been a phone number at the foot of the page, with an 0800 premium rate line? Non?
Last Weekend - Ah no different location. I had problems annotating the map. Cheesetown sits on the Forth, to the north of Edinburgh. Accrington's further south too...
63 Mago - Sage advice. Correct on, ahem, photo infringements
Nick - Either this comment lost something in the translation or civilities stop here!
Savannah - One day I will take a photo. One day I will take a photo. Until then the answer to Q4 was easy, non?
Libby - Ah yes. Sorry about that typo. And the fell runner wasn't running either so to speak
Rurousha - Fell running is my idea of hell. It involves running up and down hills. In the cold and the wet and through mud and... you get the idea of the full horror?
Allotment Queen - Yes! I was wondering that too! LX says the blogateria ate his money.... maybe I should check for lost votes.
Curry Queen - Thank you. I'm hoping there will be a sequel.
Mr Musgrove - August!
Maps - Thank you. I went abroad you know. To England.
Pat - Owwww so CLOSE
Trish - Coming soon. Psychometric testing ...Me first maybe.
Speccy - Oh.. it was more fun than that...
Scarlet - And if you haven't tidied up the mess and the fingerprints you will be in the BIGGEST trouble
24 January 2013 at 07:26
This was much easier after reading the answers. As I have 100% do I receive a prize?