Cough....cough...cough... hak! hak!
(Sensible Self) Macy is it dusty in here or what? This is ridiculous! When did you last open this blog??

Macy - Mumble....

(Sensible Self) Yes. Exactly.  And did you leave a message explaining your absence or did you just stroll out? Leaving the telly on , so to speak?

Macy - Sigh...

(Sensible Self)There were rumours you know! Rumours....dark rumours involving bachinalia ansd subsequent hospitalisation around Burns Night. 
Rumours linking yourself and a troupe of  Alex Salmond impersonators....  
Rumours that you had taken a vow of silence.....

Macy Doll, I'm not going to kid you here... it's not been good.  But things are going to get worse if everyone finds out you have simply been working overtime!

Macy - Vast amounts of overtime!

(Sensible Self)   But overtime Macy - since when was there any point to that?