It couldn't last could it? Three months paid sick leave, taking it easy, watching the neighbours mow my lawn, wee day trips out, unlimited access to the XBox. The game's up, my recovery is well under way, and on Thursday it was time for a Phased Return to work.
It wasn't all bad. For a start I'm only in mornings for the first couple of weeks. And the first couple of mornings were spent catching up with people - the girls in finance, the boys in IT, my pals in Central Papershuffling; big hugs from Annie in legal, more big hugs from Suze in Corporate Doublespeak. In between chats I had my e-mails todelete read, including several welcome back messages from high heidyins and those in foreign offices (hello London!). They've all been supernice.
And my boss, Penny, is on holiday.
Which is a Good Thing since rumour has it that Penny caused my heart attack.
This rumour has gained some traction, since my heart attack did indeed follow an acrimonious meeting between Penny and myself.
In fact, Thursday was the first time I had returned to my desk since leaving for a meeting with Penny three months ago.
Penny was not there on my first day back, but sent an e-mail.
Headed "Welcome Back", and excluding her signature, it runs to six words
"I'll see you on Monday".
The jury's out, but the consensus is that Penny does not do supernice.
It wasn't all bad. For a start I'm only in mornings for the first couple of weeks. And the first couple of mornings were spent catching up with people - the girls in finance, the boys in IT, my pals in Central Papershuffling; big hugs from Annie in legal, more big hugs from Suze in Corporate Doublespeak. In between chats I had my e-mails to
And my boss, Penny, is on holiday.
Which is a Good Thing since rumour has it that Penny caused my heart attack.
This rumour has gained some traction, since my heart attack did indeed follow an acrimonious meeting between Penny and myself.
In fact, Thursday was the first time I had returned to my desk since leaving for a meeting with Penny three months ago.
Penny was not there on my first day back, but sent an e-mail.
Headed "Welcome Back", and excluding her signature, it runs to six words
"I'll see you on Monday".
The jury's out, but the consensus is that Penny does not do supernice.
31 July 2011 at 09:24
I once worked with a Penny. She shouted at people.
Not me, of course, because I kept my head down, and out of the way.
I work from home now. No-one shouts at me. Or welcomes me back when I've been away.
31 July 2011 at 10:25
Maybe she'll bring you a lovely prezzie.
Perhaps not.
31 July 2011 at 11:48
Well, I hope Penny behaves herself when you meet up with her and it doesn't end up in another acrimonious exchange. Why do so many bosses think nastiness is the best way to get results out of people?
31 July 2011 at 12:08
Ease back into it and take care of yourself first.
31 July 2011 at 12:55
Penny is a 'Gowl'!
(Hope my doggie vid wasn't too upsetting!) :¬)
31 July 2011 at 20:00
Dave - This Penny is super quiet and super controlling...
Pat - Bless. But there is slightly more chance of Scotland winning the World Cup.
Nick - I really don't know what Penny's problem is. Usually it doesn't get acrimonious because usually I let it wash over my head.
lx - Absolutely. I am working on Plan A, which is to see if I can't reduce the time I have to spend with the woman.
Maps - Penny is a long low level rumbling growl indeedy.
Don't worry about the vid. The world is full of dogs - I'm just goimg to have to get used to it!
31 July 2011 at 20:52
Good grief. Is it 3 months already?
I still think you should take some more time off.
Well, if you and Penny go head to head again, start hyperventilating loudly.
1 August 2011 at 00:41
Good luck.
Cool, calm, collected - Penny my arse.
1 August 2011 at 03:36
No, not a Growl, a GOWL! (Very worst Irish insult!) :¬)
1 August 2011 at 08:09
Good luck for this morning!
And remember to breathe.
1 August 2011 at 08:42
Roses - I know. Time flies. I have a supply of GTN sprays - they're small and yo spray under your tongue if you feel chest pains.
In the office these are already known as my "GTF" sprays.
63mago - Yep. Got it in one.
Maps - HA! I just hit Google! (So if we're being polite we use call her an arse...)
Scarlet - Or I can politely hope she doesn't. At least not anywhere near me.
1 August 2011 at 15:06
I suspect Penny may be quite scared to see you face to face now....and that is good isn't it?
1 August 2011 at 17:52
Haha, Penny is shivering under a beach umbrella somewhere not enjoying her holiday one little bit and absolutely bricking it every time she thinks about Monday. Bitch!
1 August 2011 at 20:32
Libby - Ha! As of half eight this evening, I still haven't seen her. How long can this last?
Curry Queen - This is heartfelt vitriol! You've met her???
2 August 2011 at 11:16
Oh-oh, Monday is over. I hope that both you and Penny survived- it's waaay to soon to call 999 for her.
2 August 2011 at 18:25
Tuesday evening and no sound?
2 August 2011 at 18:45
3 August 2011 at 00:08
Speccy - Bless. When there's a bit of a break on the blog, I generally blame the broadband service here in Cheesetown.
63Mago and Dave - I'm en route back from Glasgow just to make my next post!