I have a complicated bereavement. I was only reconciled with my ex, W, months before he died of cancer. Luckily (for him) I was made redundant and able to care for him while he died here at home - October 20th. Currently getting through it with our son, aka the Cherub, dog Ned, and friends here in CHEESETOWN.
16 December 2009 at 22:30
I can totally see you like this. really, except I see you with a smaller nose.
17 December 2009 at 08:14
Mme DeF - only when the spiced rum or whisky kicks in I can assure you... also slightly less make up..
17 December 2009 at 22:49
Liza's wearing make-up?
18 December 2009 at 09:15
Kev - yeah sponge and cosmetic brush shortages in wartime Berlin meant that she had to apply it with a trowel...
20 December 2009 at 19:47
My pleasure, Macy. Glad to be able to cheer you up. (Yeah, fags have that effect on people. :))