It has not been a good week. It's been a bad week. In fact it's been a stinking week when I've been driven to ask major life questions such as would it be wrong to kill my new boss given her terminal levels of stupidity?*
And since the answer to this question, of course is a great big emphatic "Yes Macy, killing your boss is wrong", let's ask another question.
Let's ask if Buddhism has anything to help this situation. Because this is a question we haven't asked before,,,
Becaue my yoga teacher is a fan, and because yoga is a Good Thing, and becaue as far as mad ideas go I've had worse, let's get in the car with the Cherub and head for the hills; where, yes, Scotland does have a Buddhist centre. If you want to head there yourself it's conveniently located in the middle of nowhere.
Let's head off out the house in a hurry, with only Google map instructions as a guide, and Cherub as reluctant pilot....Let's start worrying that we are heading the wrong way after heading off the Edinburgh by pass and failing to see any road numbers that match Google's.
Let's spend the best part of an hour driving through small villages with no maps but friendly locals with no idea where the Buddhist centre is, before washing up in a Starbucks in a service station beside the M74
Let's get a Starbucks and wonder if this is really worth it, before heading off, this time with a map.
An out of date map as it turns out.
Let's, in other words, spend the best art of four hours traveling to the Kagyu Samye Ling, the first Tibetan Buddhist centre in the west.
And having turned the prayer wheels, and walked through the herb garden and sat in the temple - let's give up being a smart arse and cynic, and general know it all. Let's hear it from the Dalai Lama
“If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.”
It's better isn't it? It's great. Be assured, on Monday New Boss can expect to be positively cudgeled with compassion
(For yes Penny has been replaced, and never have so many been so quickly reminded of the old addage "Hold onto Nurse for fear of finding something worse...")
And since the answer to this question, of course is a great big emphatic "Yes Macy, killing your boss is wrong", let's ask another question.
Let's ask if Buddhism has anything to help this situation. Because this is a question we haven't asked before,,,
Becaue my yoga teacher is a fan, and because yoga is a Good Thing, and becaue as far as mad ideas go I've had worse, let's get in the car with the Cherub and head for the hills; where, yes, Scotland does have a Buddhist centre. If you want to head there yourself it's conveniently located in the middle of nowhere.
Let's head off out the house in a hurry, with only Google map instructions as a guide, and Cherub as reluctant pilot....Let's start worrying that we are heading the wrong way after heading off the Edinburgh by pass and failing to see any road numbers that match Google's.
Let's spend the best part of an hour driving through small villages with no maps but friendly locals with no idea where the Buddhist centre is, before washing up in a Starbucks in a service station beside the M74
Let's get a Starbucks and wonder if this is really worth it, before heading off, this time with a map.
An out of date map as it turns out.
Let's, in other words, spend the best art of four hours traveling to the Kagyu Samye Ling, the first Tibetan Buddhist centre in the west.
And having turned the prayer wheels, and walked through the herb garden and sat in the temple - let's give up being a smart arse and cynic, and general know it all. Let's hear it from the Dalai Lama
“If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.”
Anger or hatred is like a fisherman's hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
― Dalai Lama XIV
It's better isn't it? It's great. Be assured, on Monday New Boss can expect to be positively cudgeled with compassion
(For yes Penny has been replaced, and never have so many been so quickly reminded of the old addage "Hold onto Nurse for fear of finding something worse...")
29 July 2012 at 21:35
'cudgeled with compassion'- dammit Macy, you are a genius! :D
29 July 2012 at 21:45
Speccy - sadly not! The genius is all the Dalai Lama's...
29 July 2012 at 21:46
Oh Macy, I hope things improve.
29 July 2012 at 21:48
Before you criticize your boss again, walk a mile in her shoes.
You will then be a mile away and have her shoes but stilletos would only be a temptation to cause bodily harm...
29 July 2012 at 22:02
Z - The New Boss is probably hoping the same thing...!!!
Rog - Believe me, if I'd been in possession of a spare stiletto last week I would have been dangerous...
29 July 2012 at 23:04
Hello, Dalai! Sorry.
29 July 2012 at 23:07
I am not too familiar with the Tibetan thing and all. Personally I can say that having a small box of sand or gravel and carefully working on this with a fork can be very - well: peaceful.
Plus: You can smack the damn fork down the ground with a very liberating roar and then start again with the peacefilling experience of sorting sand or gravel into lines and musters of your own.
But I can say that it is no good idea to whack a cabbage head in your little garden with saied fork, because you have to collect the remains painstakingly by hand from the sand, resp. gravel. Rotting cabbage disturbs the harmony you know.
29 July 2012 at 23:12
It is years since I heard about Samye Ling. I remember it from ages ago!
30 July 2012 at 01:23
All I can say is that I'm very happy to live in a country where Buddhism is a part of everyday life.
So, go for compassion, and if that doesn't work, you could always revert to your pagan roots and go all Braveheart? ;)
Meantime I'll burn some incense for you at nearby Senso-ji. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo, so I figure it packs a powerful punch.
30 July 2012 at 06:29
I can not remember the last time I felt so strongly about (or against) someone I would have liked to kill them. Most of the time, I manage quite well to avoid unpleasant folk - which is of course a lot easier if you have the advantate of working from home :-)
30 July 2012 at 07:46
Driving through beautiful Scottish villages with the cherub must have been a wonderful experience...lost or not you got there in the end...and made a memory .....feel better Mace x
30 July 2012 at 09:02
"Anger or hatred is like a fisherman's hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it." It is impressive words, and I know to do so is quite difficult, though it's worth trying and training ourselves.
30 July 2012 at 09:52
I'm somewhere between the Dalai Lama and Rob.
I sympathise.
30 July 2012 at 17:00
Your boss rage matches my Tesco rage. You haven't told us what the cherub thought of being a Buddhist for a day...? Sounds pretty blissful to me. I might have to try and find a centre down south to preserve my blood pressure at safe levels.
30 July 2012 at 17:38
Goodness, you are having bad luck with your bosses. In my experience, you'd have to have the patience of a saint to cope with the average boss-from-hell. Compassion can run out pretty quickly. Ever thought of looking for another job with a boss who's actually fun to work with?
30 July 2012 at 18:29
Its hard because - has the Dalai Lama ever had an annoying boss? Hopefully over the weekend New Boss has done a few downward facing dogs and finally has their priorities straightened out.
30 July 2012 at 18:43
Here you go!
30 July 2012 at 18:47
Lx - Ha ha ha ha! Hauls him outside for A Word
Mr Mago - I'll refrain from making any jokes about not having a lot of luck with cabbages.
Might keep away from sharp implements too...
Jenny - It's probably doubled in size over the past couple of years. There's about half a dozen building projects going on right now.
Rurousha - Thank you! It helps. It really does.
Librarian - You know, working from home is the answer to so many problems - from traffic congestion to office politics. I can only assume that it isn't more widely rolled out because it's just too obvious a solution for the average manager to grasp.
So jealous of homeworkers...
Libby - It was a beautiful run. If I did have to get lost for a couple of hours at least it wasn't on a motorway!
Haricot - I have this quotation on a postcard. I'll be taking it into work with me!
Pat - Thanks! Though as another homeworker, I'm guessing you've been lucky enough to avoid the full horror of a lousy boss!
Curry Queen - Buddhism works! It really does. The Cherub seemed to get a lot out of the day too. He was impressed with the DL's teachings translated around the temple.
Nick - If I hadn't actually had good bosses in the past, I'd be worrying that it was me that was the problem! I think in this case it's that the directors chose a new boss same as the old boss - just without her competencies.
I should revert to being self employed, I really should.
ALW - Down dog might do it... failing which there's always my warrior position...
30 July 2012 at 18:52
Lx - “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
Just means they're running with a Buddhist GPS....
30 July 2012 at 19:53
I hope that things get better for you soon! :)
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
30 July 2012 at 22:38
30 July 2012 at 23:13
Bonnie - Hi. All glamm kittens welcome, here and at LX's...
Anonymous - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No really. I've deleted you.
31 July 2012 at 21:41
The box of sand and a fork thing is *very* therapeutic. Especially if you stab your boss with the fork and bury them in the box of sand...
1 August 2012 at 06:55
Mr Musgrove - Indeedy. One of us might need therapy yet....
1 August 2012 at 16:14
Surely Starbucks is a religious temple of sorts? I would have stayed there and continued to plot the murder.
1 August 2012 at 17:49
Scarlet! Not even in jest!! Although, come to think of it, if you are going to lose a body, the Scottish Borders has enough lonely spots...
2 August 2012 at 08:29
Hey gorgeous lady.
Buddhism is an awesome way of live.
If that fails, just ask yourself: is 20 to Life worth it?
Should the answer be 'yes', let me know and I'll get a 'Free Macy' campaign going for you. I'll put a fund together for your defence.
2 August 2012 at 13:14
One of the most obnoxious, objectional, intolerant managers I ever had the misfortune of meeting was a practicing Buddhist---but like many others, I think she only observed her religions teachings in her own home or at her temple.
But yes, I think there is peace to be found in the teachings of all wise holy men----
Oh, and peace can be found in a good coffee, muffin or large vodka.
Personally, I always found my peace in speaking my mind---it may well have slowed my promotional path, but I was always satisfied
2 August 2012 at 22:49
Roses - Is there internet in jails? Would I have access to high speed broadband and a PC?
Considering the options
Clyde - You're back! Sounds like that manger had a lot of practicing to do! (see what I did there...?)
3 August 2012 at 19:06
Dear Macy,
I am so sorry to hear of your awful boss. May I recommend the path of the Buddhist Warrior? While killing your boss is every employee's secret ambition, it is essential to occasionally sacrifice yourself and acrue bad Kharma in order to re-balance the inexplicable and unsustainable excess of bad bosses. The Buddhist Warrior is duty bound to redress the balance until there is an equal number of good and bad bosses. Since there are no good bosses the truly committed warrior for Buddha will exterminate them all and thus improve levels of tranquility and good kharma for so many employees that their own kharma will be infinitely enhanced and enlightenment will be achieved along with a heavy gaol sentence.
The only reasonable alternative is to completely ignore your boss until he, she or it becomes considerate and 'good', then find another bad boss to work for and give them the same treatment.
All kindly blessings, May all your choices lead you to the light,
3 August 2012 at 19:37
Crowbard - Hi! Are you sure about all this now???
9 August 2012 at 23:30
Ah Macy, your question penetrates to the very heart of existence. But after 6 days careful reflection I can say without any doubt, "Yes I am perfectly sure of every word of this!"
But on the other hand I must confess to being a double cusped Gemini and always see the other side of things... Nobody can be absolutely sure of anything.
Since we cannot know we must follow our hearts. The dinosaurs were not all bad yet the enlightened creator allowed their extinction. Bosses are a form of dinosaur, they are outmoded and a waste of space. Only workers produce goods and wealth, bosses just upset people and acquire more than their proper share, perhaps their time of extinction is at hand?
It's a funny old world!
Blessings be upon you, Carl
9 August 2012 at 23:37
Post Scriptum
But I'm fairly sure about the heavy gaol sentence... or do you have the death penalty for ridding the world of psychopathic parasites?
17 August 2012 at 18:49
until I read this is was intent on merdering my soon-to-be-ex-husband but now I'll just cudgel him instead.
24 August 2012 at 02:14
Hello honeybunny - have you ommed out now?
29 August 2012 at 16:19
Oh, checking your blog out and you're still out there with the Buddhists :D. Hope all is well.
22 September 2012 at 08:21
Hello are things? x
10 October 2012 at 00:44
Macy darling - YUHUUUH!!!
yer missed.
21 October 2012 at 16:14
***waving frantically***
How's the cudegeling doing? Do you need some psychic help from us??
Hope you and Cherub are well
1 November 2012 at 18:49
Hi Macy. Have you gone into hibernation?
5 December 2012 at 12:31
Where are you gorgeous?
6 December 2012 at 07:23
Macy.......anyone at home? Hello.....hope you are ok.
Just say Hi.....I don't want to worry all over Christmas!
24 December 2012 at 13:01
Hi Macy- thinking of you both. These holidays are going to be so very different; you'll work your way through new ways of doing things. I hope you find the fun :)
All best wishes x
24 December 2012 at 19:29
Merry Christmas, Macy!!!
25 December 2012 at 00:50
Merry Christmas, Macy!
25 December 2012 at 16:03
Guys - sorry... I was in a house-moving limbo.
Heads off to catch up on blogs