Good morning blog world! How are YOU doing?
This morning I'm looking at my nose.
That's right. My nose. I have been studying it very carefully in a good clear light.
I know, I can can hear you asking, what's wrong? What's the problem with your nose Mace? To which I can only reply. Nothing. There's nothing wrong with my nose at all - that's the problem.
See, it was a thought I had. There I was, applying a newand incredibly expensive engineered skin serum, when it occurred to me that I never put this stuff on my nose. I don't know why not. Laziness? Cutting out an extra 30 seconds from my morning routine every day? Misguided economies? With the price of this stuff who can afford to do their whole face? Just basic wilfulness?? Anyhoos, the fact stands, that in all my thirty-odd years of dutifully applying face serums, creams, moisturizers, youth lotions and what not to my face I have never applied any to my nose.
That's right, for whatever reason, my nose has never had the benefit of moisturiser, serum or youth dew.
So this must show right? Since my nose has not benefited from peptides, Retinol A, wrinkle reduction, or revitalization of its epidermis, it should by definition look a good couple of decades older than the rest of my face which has benefitted from such miracle creams.
And it doesn't.
Unbelievable I know. But I can see no difference.
You know your input is valued on such major questions. Feel free to advise....
This morning I'm looking at my nose.
That's right. My nose. I have been studying it very carefully in a good clear light.
I know, I can can hear you asking, what's wrong? What's the problem with your nose Mace? To which I can only reply. Nothing. There's nothing wrong with my nose at all - that's the problem.
See, it was a thought I had. There I was, applying a newand incredibly expensive engineered skin serum, when it occurred to me that I never put this stuff on my nose. I don't know why not. Laziness? Cutting out an extra 30 seconds from my morning routine every day? Misguided economies? With the price of this stuff who can afford to do their whole face? Just basic wilfulness?? Anyhoos, the fact stands, that in all my thirty-odd years of dutifully applying face serums, creams, moisturizers, youth lotions and what not to my face I have never applied any to my nose.
That's right, for whatever reason, my nose has never had the benefit of moisturiser, serum or youth dew.
So this must show right? Since my nose has not benefited from peptides, Retinol A, wrinkle reduction, or revitalization of its epidermis, it should by definition look a good couple of decades older than the rest of my face which has benefitted from such miracle creams.
And it doesn't.
Unbelievable I know. But I can see no difference.
You know your input is valued on such major questions. Feel free to advise....
18 July 2012 at 21:49
Your nose may not look any older than the rest of your face, but have you studied it carefully? Does it sit around doing nothing all day? Does it watch Cash in the Attic? Does it complain about the young people?
18 July 2012 at 21:56
Nick - Oh no! Since I gave up smoking it's been rejuvenated. Total return of sense of smell and it's always pointing out new smells and stuff.
18 July 2012 at 22:40
My vote must in no way be construed as expressing a lack of interest in your nose, only in the unguents to which you may or may not subject it.
18 July 2012 at 22:46
My skin is only touched by water and Chantré and my nose does not seem to be any different from the rest of the facial tissue, at the moment red and burnt.
I'll quit smoking again in a few months and am looking forward to the better smelling experience - it's great to actually smell flowers and spices again.
18 July 2012 at 23:03
We need a photo of your nose, obv.
18 July 2012 at 23:24
Tim - No worries. I've decided I'm fast losing interest in aforementioned unguents too.
Mr Mago - Sunburn, cheap booze and cigarettes?? You're bringing back the memories....
lx - Oh yes I'm working on that! No, ahem, really.
19 July 2012 at 08:35
To be fair to Estee, I think that noses don't generally go saggy. And that is the point where my expertise on noses fades to nothing. I don't know what they are made of even. Gristle, or something. Yuk ! I prefer not to think.
One thing is certain - you have saved money on skin cream over the years by excluding your poor old nose!
19 July 2012 at 12:48
Cream on noses: apply with care to avoid blocked pores - avoid greasy areas.
I have a rough area on the bridge left from having a golf ball which I hit on a golf range,rebound. So unfair!
which rebounded.
19 July 2012 at 18:51
Jenny - Have we hit on something here? Something that needs publicising as a major money saving tip? If noses don't go saggy, shouldn't we all be saving money on face cream?
Pat - Brilliant actual advice! Of course I should have thought of you as being a mine of this sort of information from your modelling days
20 July 2012 at 00:03
The nose knows! ;)
Gravity will ultimately overcome vanity, so what the heck, I'd rather buy a book. Grin.
20 July 2012 at 07:54
Rurousha - Dang. If gravity hits my nose I'm going to look like concorde!
20 July 2012 at 08:25
Funny, I have a very poor sense of smell and I've never smoked in my life. It's probably a sign that my brain is quietly rotting away.
20 July 2012 at 10:13
Noses don't tend to go wrinkly, plus they usually have a good supply of natural grease.
The rest of your face still needs Estee.
Sorry hon, no money saving on face creams for you.
20 July 2012 at 17:33
Afraid I'm with the 'greasy nose' brigade.
What do you mean, you never want to see me in real life? It's not quite an oil slick...
20 July 2012 at 18:20
Nick - I wouldn't worry too much. As an ex smoker, I can testify that if you have to lose one of your senses through aging, smell is the easiest to live without.
Roses - Noses don't wrinkle do they? D'ye think people with big noses get less wrinkly faces too??
Got to be some advantages.
Speccy - You mean you're joining the skip the face cream brigade? You're calling Estee's bluff too!
21 July 2012 at 09:26
I don't blame you for skimping on the unguents, given that I've already paid through the nose for them....
24 July 2012 at 00:20
Need to see your nose for surest opn. Also very impressed by your technical polling skills - next the Macy-Gallop?
24 July 2012 at 06:16
Curry Queen - Ow... just ow No need to make this more painful!
ALW - Indeeds. How much fund is the twiigs poll site?
25 July 2012 at 00:46
Come out with the truth MAcy: It fell off already?!
25 July 2012 at 19:42
Mr Mago - Dur! It's moisturiser I'm testing... not vanishing cream or WD40!
25 July 2012 at 22:53
I'm known for my nose! (It's big, they run in the family! Hahahaha! See what I did there?. I'll get my coat.) :¬)
26 July 2012 at 12:43
Perhaps it's not your nose. Perhaps the Macy in the alternative universe behind the mirror has been moisturising her nose, or not bothering with her whole face so therefore it all matches.
Having just checked, my wrinkle to nose ratio compared with the rest of my face is the same. Is yours the same or is your nose better than your face? If so cease with the expensive crap and spend your money on gin, then your nose will quickly catch up with the rest of you.
Hope this helps.
8 August 2012 at 16:55
19 October 2012 at 13:57
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