I was going to start this post with the immortal words "We've all been there".. Except, of course we haven't. It takes a spectacular talent and spectacular circumstances to wake up feeling this bad after a night out.
Guilt - check
Remorse - check
Details? You want details???
Oh go on... If you can take it. Here's the details...
I got a last minute invite to a barbecue...a good end to the Summer Holidays. No alcohol because I am Driving not Drinking.. take dog... take sprog. Everyone happy.
It's a warm enough / dry enough night that we can actually sit out in the garden till way past dark. We might be huddled ever tighter around the Chimera as the evening goes on, but look , it's a grand night out, chat about the festival and the fair and look at the stars, and scrounge another jumper for warmth because frankly the Chimera isn't doing it... and ...bugger...
.. look at the dog.
He's just drank the entire contents of the fishpond.
The entire contents.....
Does anyone know where I can buy new goldfish in a hurry on a Sunday???
15 August 2010 at 12:24
Ha ha ha---I love Ned
He is so normal---who needs goldfish and who leaves them out for a normal active dog to lap up.
Hope he doesn't get indigestion
15 August 2010 at 12:51
Thanks Clyde! Indigestion I think he probably DESERVES. I'm just hoping he doesn't sick anything up on the carpet - like the last squirrel incident...
15 August 2010 at 15:49
On the plus side, he's getting his Omega 3 intake.
(oh, come on... we've all done this)
15 August 2010 at 19:58
Mr Musgrove?? Erm well now you've pointed it out, I'd better just take my own goldfish to the next barbecue then...
16 August 2010 at 00:49
I'm sorry, but I just laughed and laughed.
That must have been a very small fishpond. And quite frankly, if your dog can empty the contents...wow.
Kudos to Ned.
16 August 2010 at 06:46
Roses - It was a small pond! The Nedster might have got away with it if he hadn't lain down flat IN it then dripped his way around the barbecue immediately afterwards...
16 August 2010 at 07:27
He must have been quite thirsty, eh?
Did you find new goldfishes =)
16 August 2010 at 11:41
Oh bless. He was just hot and wanted to cool down. The goldfish probably just got stuck in his coat.
16 August 2010 at 14:00
What a greedy and anti-social dog. He didn't even think of offering the goldfish around to the other guests. He really needs to learn some barbecue etiquette.
16 August 2010 at 19:51
Kane - Hi! No... no new goldfish have appeared on a carpet near me yet....
Roses - You're making a good case from the Trinidad corner.. but no. Scottish summer evening meant the rest of us were huddled around any heat source we could find.
Nick - Dang.. whadya know.. he's a DOG...